The summer months are here and keeping your dog cool can lead to greater health. We like to spend time with mans best friend so no matter if going for a walk, riding in the car or just playing in the yard the heat can be dangerous. You can take steps to keep your dog comfortable.
Dogs should never be left in a hot car. Many people leave a dog in a car thinking it will only be a few minutes, but on a hot day, the temperature inside the car can be several degrees higher than the outdoor temperature. Wearing a fur coat and no ability to sweat only intensify the effects on the animal.
When your dog is at home make sure the dog is kept in an air-conditioned space. If AC is not available keep the dog in the coolest room possible and set up a fan to keep the dog cool.
Everyone knows that exercise will keep your dog healthy but exercise should be limited in hot humid weather. It is better to walk or play with the dog outside in the morning or evening hours. Consider bringing along some water for your pet.
Dogs are tough and have a high tolerance for pain, but hot pavement can cause damage to their paws. Always walk your dog on the grass is possible. If your going to walk him on the pavement, feel the concrete or asphalt with your hand to determine if the surface is a safe temperature.
Don’t forget to have your dog groomed. Getting rid of that heavy coat is a great way to keep him cool. Some people will attempt to clip their dog themselves and sometimes ending of cutting the hair too short and exposing the dog to sunburn. Grooming is best left to a professional, so now is the time to schedule his next appointment.